About Me

Generalist engineer, graduate of Telecom Saint-Etienne, with a passion for fundamental and applied mathematics, computer vision, image processing, data science, machine learning, deep learning, and scientific research.

See my résumé


Research Enginner Intern

Astek, Boulogne-Billancourt, France

Mars 2023 - September 2023

• Performance measurement of 3D mapping reconstruction from multiple cameras based on the number and size of adherent raindrops.

• Performance measurement of 3D mapping reconstruction from two cameras by leveraging vehicle motion, based on the number and size of adherent raindrops.

Skills and tools: Python, OpenCV, scientific research, scientific report writing, 3D imaging, applied mathematics.

Research and innovation project

Cadeau Maestro, Saint-Étienne, France

October 2022 – January 2023

• Designing a machine learning model for suggesting gifts to users.

• The user responds to a list of questions, and based on their answers, a gift is suggested to them.

• In such cases where the questions may be insufficient to meet the client’s expectations, it is crucial to improve the questions posed to the user until they are satisfied with the gift recommendation.

Skills and tools: Python, Scikit-Learn, research, data cleaning, Keras, Random Forest, Qt.

Engineering project

Irudigi, Saint-Étienne, France

May 2022 – June 2022

• Generation of synthetic scans from MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging).

• Comparison of methods for generating a scan from an MRI based on recent studies in deep learning.

Skills and tools: Python, medical imaging, Keras, GAN (Generative Adversarial Networks), GitHub.

Java Developer

Amiltone, Saint-Étienne, France

October 2021 – January 2022

• Development of an automatic arbitration application for foosball matches.

Skills and tools: Java, computer vision, OpenCV, Java, JavaFX, GitLab.

Front-end developer

Devosoft, Safi, Morocco

January 2021 - February 2021

• UI/UX design for a pizzeria website and a video game website

• UI/UX design for a pizzeria website and a video game website

Skills and tools: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript.


Generalist Engineer Degree in Digital Engineering.

Télécom Saint-Étienne, Saint-Étienne, France

September 2020 - September 2023

Specialization: Image and Computer Science.

Option: Advanced Image Processing and Biomedical Imaging.

Preparatory classes for engineering schools.

My Abdellah High School, Safi, Morocco.

September 2017 - June 2019

Field of study: Mathematics, Physics, and Engineering Sciences.

Results: Admission to Mines-Télécom, Centrale, and CCINP
Eligibility for admission to École Polytechnique (l'X).

Baccalaureate in Science


September 2016 - June 2017

Field: Mathematical Sciences



Here are some public academic projects that I completed during my engineering program.

Ray tracing project

• Implementing a ray tracer capable of rendering a collection of opaque spheres with effects such as shadows, reflections, textures, and a bounding volume hierarchy acceleration structure.

Skills and tools: Ray tracing, C++, computational geometry, algorithmic complexity.

See the source code

Facial morphing from a sequence of images

• Development of facial morphing software using image alignment techniques.

Skills and tools: Python, SimpleITK, image alignment.

See the source code

Tomographic reconstruction

• 3D Reconstruction in Computerized Tomography: This project involves the reconstruction of 3D images using computerized tomography techniques (CT).

Skills and tools: MATLAB, Data Analysis,Sinogram, 3D reconstruction, System self-calibration, Reconstruction by the filtered back-projections algorithm.

See the source code

Markov models and applications to imagery

• This project explores point processes, starting with an introduction to Markov processes and the simulation of Poisson and Strauss point processes.

Skills and tools: MATLAB, Markov Point Process (MPP).

See the source code

Vessel detection in color eye fundus images

• Vessel segmentation in fundus images.

Skills and tools: MATLAB, image processing, segmentation, morphological mathematics.

See the source code

Texture Synthesis in Ultrasound Imaging

• Analysis of various texture generation techniques and their application to samples visible in ultrasonic imaging to evaluate their effectiveness.

Skills and tools: Python, MATLAB, texture analysis, image quilting, non-parametric sampling, neural transfer, co-occurrence, co-occurrence matrices, Local Binary Pattern, GIST descriptors, PySide.

See the source code

Asteroid Game

• The project involves developing a 3D game where the player pilots a spaceship using hand movements detected by a webcam. The goal is to avoid asteroids and reach an orbital station to win the game.

Skills and tools: C++, Qt, OpenGL, OpenCV.

See the source code

Curves and surfaces : differential geometry

• The project deals with the application of differential geometry in computer graphics, with a focus on curves and surfaces.

Skills and tools: MATLAB, Differential Geometry.

See the source code

Automatic Face Detection

• Automatic Detection of Face Presence Using Bayesian Classification.

Skills and tools: MATLAB, Bayesian Decision, Probability.

See the source code

Fringe projection

• This project involves reconstructing a 3D surface using the fringe projection technique.

Skills and tools: MATLAB, 3D reconstruction using fringe projection.

See the source code


• This project consists of developing a Windows application that allows for the detection, identification of people, and the anomalies in movement presented in an imported video.

Skills and tools: Python, Pyside, OpenCV, TensorFlow, Keras, GitHub, YOLO, Kalman Filter, Point Process Model (PPM).

See the source code

Naruto game

• Development of an augmented reality game based on the classification of Naruto signs images.

Skills and tools: Python, OpenCV, scikit-learn, GitHub, Segmentation, Supervised Classification.

See the source code

Texture analysis

• This project aims to analyze textures using similarity techniques and frequency-based filters.

Skills and tools: MATLAB, Texture analysis.

See the source code

Enigmatic Number Quest Game

• This game involves guessing a hidden number, starting from level 1 (which corresponds to a single-digit number) all the way up to level 10 (which corresponds to a ten-digit number).

Skills and tools: Python, Pyside.

See the source code

Classification of men women images using CNN

• This project aims to classify images by gender (male or female) using convolutional neural networks (CNN).

Skills and tools: Python, CNN classification.

See the source code

Rubik's solver using Machine Learning

• The project involves introducing an algorithm similar to K-means to solve the Rubik's Cube.

Skills and tools: Python, PySide, PyGame, OpenGL, Numpy.

See the source code

Robust Estimation

• The project examines statistical estimation methods, focusing on least squares and robust approaches, such as steepest descent and Quasi-Newton.

Skills and tools: MATLAB, Optimization, Estimation.

See the source code


• UI/UX development and design for a video game website.

Skills and tools: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, JQuery.

See the source code

virtuel TSE

• Development of a multi-user messaging application, attempting to integrate discussion features based on users' proximity on a dynamic map.

Skills and tools: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Node.js, Vue.js, Socket.IO

See the source code


• Development and UI/UX design of a website for a pizzeria.

Skills and tools: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript.

See the source code

Attitude controller

• The project involves creating an attitude controller for a robot, using an AltiMu10 board to measure its orientation and a Teensy board to collect the data. This includes using filters like the Kalman filter to ensure data stability.

Skills and tools: Arduino, C, C++.

See the source code

You can see more projects on my GitHub profile:

Languages & Tools















Scikit-learn Logo









Volunteer experiences

Volunteer educational speaker

Public Primary Schools Paule and Joseph Thiollier

Dec. 2021 - Jan. 2022

Science communication: Explaining scientific concepts about the universe and the solar system to elementary school children.

Volunteer tutor in mathematics and physics

Sep. 2020 - Apr. 2022

Since 2020, I have assisted over 100 students, mainly from Africa, in mathematics and physics to prepare them for engineering school entrance exams or end-of-year university exams.


150+ Exercises - Object Oriented Programming in Python - OOP

Computer Vision In Python! Face Detection &Image Processing

Python for Deep Learnin: Build Neural Networks in Python

Intelligence Artificielle de A à Z

Le Deep Learning de A à Z

Python for Machine Learning: The Complete Beginner's Course

Python Demonstrations For Practice Course




Mathematics, computer science, and physics olympiad group

This is my own Facebook group in which I publish some Olympiad exercises, and I solve some of them in my free time.

See the group

Coding problems: Project Euler

I solve mathematical/computer science problems from Project Euler.

See some problems

Here is a non-exhaustive list of the articles I have written since 2018.

The minimum of a multivate polynomial

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Solution : X2024, Math A, MP.

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Solution: Agrégation externe 2019.

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Solution : X2023, Math A, MP.

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Generalization of the problem 1, IMO 2021, Day 1.

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La distribution des puissances d'un nombre.

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Solution : ENS2018, Math C - ULCR, MPI.

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la démonstration du principe fondamentalede la dynamique à partir de l'équation deSchrödinger.

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Olympiad - Inequalities.

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La formule de Mertens.

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correction des olympiades de mathématiques - MAROC-2017, 1bac.

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Problème : Détermination de la valeur minimale d'un polynôme de plusieurs variables à coefficients positifs.

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Contact Me


Paris, France